I think this was the main reason that in high school I decided to go into special effects. I wanted to do it all: Props, makeup, gore, in camera, theater, TV, movie, horror, sci-fi. (The only thing I didn't get much into was the computer graphics. I just didn't have much capability to play around with the concept.) I even enrolled in a college that taught each of these aspects. After graduation, I didn't really pursue it because of lack of money (I know excuses, etc.) I moved to south Florida and started going to church. When I got saved, it just seemed to me that horror and sci-fi didn't quite fit with Christianity. I lost my motivation to do what I had trained to do. People told me I could always do special effects for regular TV or movies or even go into Christian movies. It still didn't seem right.
I've struggled with this for years. (Especially since I got in contact with a friend from college who still does some SFX.) I'm always tempted to put up decorations and watch scary movies. Some of the do-it-yourself websites I frequent go nuts with stuff you can make or do during October. I always think about putting a haunted house together or make an mini attraction in the garage or on the porch. The thought that I could really make a cool attraction runs through my head all month. After all what other holiday could a diy person really go nuts.
I think by mutual agreement, the Mrs. and I have decided that to decorate and have fun with

That being said, here's some links you might like:
Children R Skary
MAKE your Halloween
And what would Halloween be without best hostess to ever hit the screen (or in person)
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