Monday, August 24, 2009

Man and Woman, pt. 1

Throughout my life, I have heard several different interpretations of the Adam and Eve story. The story starts out with Adam needing someone to help him, a companion (Genesis 2:18-20). The concept of woman, having been created from part of man, leads to the idea that man and woman shall join together to (re)make the one flesh (Genesis 2:21-23). This is the original idea of marriage (Genesis 2:24).

Most know of the (in)famous Tree of Knowledge (Genesis 2:17). It was mentioned before God even created Eve. Now the serpent comes along and tempts Eve. "Come on. Surely God won't kill you if you eat the fruit off that tree." (My paraphrasing). Eve eats the fruit and "gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat" (Genesis 3:6)

One version of this story has Adam being tricked by Eve to eat the fruit as if she was as evil as the serpent. Another version may paint Adam as a dufus not recognizing the fruit and eating it when she hands it to him. I believe he knew and chose to eat it. (This idea was taught originally by the pastor of our church.)

What is love? What do you do when your in love? Would you give up everything even if you knew it was wrong?

Adam was told that he would die if he ate of the fruit of that one tree. I wonder if he ate it because she had already eaten some. Did he love her so much that he would sacrifice himself beside her? When God comes and asks Adam about the 'incident', he does not lie. "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12) The woman given to him. He loves her and feels responsible for her actions. He does not say he was tricked. Adam instead admits that it was his choice.

There are things that have happened in my life where I have let my wife make the choice, even though I may have felt uncomfortable about it. Do I regret the choices I let her make and the consequences that followed? Some of them. Here's the thing though. It's not something that will make me despise her. It does not keep irritating me, like a splinter in my hand that I can't get out.

I used to get bothered by some of the little things that she did. I found that if I truly value our relationship together, I should not dwell on them. I love her. And I would give up everything in my world for her (and daughter).

"When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found
If she's bad he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her down"

('When A Man Loves A Woman' by Percy Sledge)


crazywildberry said...

Mike, my friend is so blessed to have a wise and adoring husband such as yourself. I enjoyed reading that. Be blessed!

crazywildberry said...

Love it! :D