Monday, January 10, 2011

Condo Environmentalism

Living in a condo/apartment has made us have to make some compromises.  For example, we're limited on being able to grow a garden.  Container gardening is an option but isn't always easy to accomplish.  We've started to want to do more with our waste.  Recycling has become easier as we figure out space to temporarily house the stuff.

Our latest success is a compost bucket.  We've been wanting to try to reduce how much of our waste ends up going to a landfill.  Food trapped in plastic bags doesn't really do much in a landfill but if composted, it will break down in as little as a few months and provide nutrition for potted plants or flower beds.  I found several how-to's with a web search and decided to try this one.  I went to our local hardware store and picked up a bucket.  For the soil/sawdust mixture, I use soil right out of our flower bed and pine litter (unused) from our cats.  It's been a day since it was put together so I don't have any results yet but will post more as it progresses.

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