Friday, August 24, 2007

Project #2 - Pheline Waste Disposal Odor Control Device 2.0 - completed

Having pets inside your domicile has its drawbacks. You must feed them, water them, and clean up after them. My diabolical Mistress has announced that she hates the smell of their waste disposal unit (litter box). As a first solution, it was brought to our attention several years ago to try a different type of absorption material. The clay or sand was not satisfactory. The crystals on the market worked well, but were cost prohibitive with three cats. Based on chemical reaction of the new pine material, the smell of their urine was greatly reduced and behavioral analysis showed they could care less as long as it smelled clean. (Conversations with other owners lead me to believe not all cats are so easily charmed.)

That would be all well and good, but what if they don’t cover their ‘mess’ as in the case of the two youngest, Princess and Rumble. The pine only did so much. The PeWDOC Device was created. A small air circulation unit (cpu fan) wired to run from a plug in transformer was mounted above the disposal unit. The circulation of the air is enough to dry the ‘mess’ reducing long term odor. Downside was increased temporary smell solved by the use of a filter incorporating a charcoal layer to help absorb offending aroma. Similar use to that in filtration of indoor fish habitats (aquariums).

Further studies into air purification by use of plants and other biological processes are looking fruitful. I will update with photos and more info as time allows.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Project #1 - Solar Death Ray

Once home project(s) are done, I will continue the development
of my Solar Death Ray. With the use of optics in the form of lenses and mirrors, I hope to build a device capable of using the light from the sun to melt metal and glass. With that kind of power, I can use this tool to weld and forge new creations. Photos will come soon.

I have always said, "You'll have a hard time doing anything without the right tools." (It sometimes occurs to me to wonder where the left tools are.)

Other Solar Use
You can check out what others have done up 'til now.

Multiple Mini Mirrors
Dish Mirror
Fresnel Lens