Thursday, May 22, 2008

Choices in life

Last year, I was considering where my life might be going. Because we were planning on the near possibility of starting a family, I decided to go ahead and take the store's offer to be manager. I asked and they said sure. Once I was done teaching my training classes, they sent me to management training. The Mrs. went to Asia at the same time. We both got back within a few days of each other. Bada bing, we had a baby on the way. (We missed each other. Seven years and I still miss her every time she leaves!)

I expected to be put in charge of stocking (a lower position but one I thought I could learn in). Instead, they put me over the animal section (fish, birds, small mammals, reptiles). Not quite six months later and I've already been demoted back to training. It was that or get fired. The only reason I didn't get fired was because my two supervisors really put their neck in the noose to try and keep me. (Thank you A.D. and Mr. E.)

At this point, I'm thinking that the whole management thing wasn't were I needed to go. The Mrs. pointed out that during that time, I didn't do as much around the condo (aka. chores). I worked long hours (40+ hours = more money!). Not to mention, I also pretty much quit school. What would happen if I kept up with this when the baby was born?

Now I've got a little more flexibility, as far as time is concerned. Now there is the possibility that I'll stay home with the baby as a pseudo stay at home dad while the wife is at work. When she gets home, I'll leave to go to work for a few days a week (= part time) and possibly start school again. I like this better. My daughter won't have to stay with someone outside of the family for the first few years, at least until she gets old enough for daycare (and we get the money). That and I'll have more time with her.

Do I regret the management issue? No. I learned a great deal. How to be a better manager for one. I'll miss the money, I suppose. The future will be a little tight but we've lived with a lot less money before (try 1/4 of what we currently make). This will also give me a chance to get more projects done and that's what I'm really happy about. Maybe I'll finally get my workshop cleaned up...

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