Friday, July 20, 2012

Illness and Slow Cooking

I'm sick again.  My kids get sick, then I get sick.  Before kids, I got sick maybe once a year.  It's a lot more frequent lately (as in the last year or so).  Most likely summer preschool and Sunday school contributions.  Suspected I was getting it yesterday but last night did me in.  This morning it's sore throat and lack of energy.  Good times.

I'm glad that we planned a slow cooker meal for the week.  I woke up early today due to V and couldn't go back to sleep.  It gave me time to wake up and remember the meal.  By 7:30 am, I had completed tonight's dinner (a pork roast).  I didn't want to dig through our cookbooks for a recipe.  Online, most of the recipes required ingredients that we don't have (or even typically keep in stock).  I did find this recipe which uses veggies and spices with the meat.  (As a side note, I like how Dad Cooks Dinner has a goal of not using mixes like the typical onion soup mix in other slow cooker pot roast recipes.)  The downside to having supper prepped so early was that I was also slightly behind on getting R and little C out the door.  They didn't leave to much behind their normal.

I broke a bone in my hand (boxer fracture) at the end of May.  Yesterday the doctor finally said it was pretty much healed.  He still wants me to go back in another two months.  I know he just wants to make sure everything is ok but I can't really justify the money.  We don't know how the rest of the year will turn out.

Enough dreary ramblings for now.  I'm trying to post at least twice a week from here on out.  Some of these posts may be somewhat boring.

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